Amy McCann, Clarinet

Coming to Minneapolis, Chicago,
and St. Louis in 2024!
After a presentation about incorporating reed-making techniques into the collegiate clarinet studio at ClarinetFest 2023, we were inundated with people stopping by the Precision Reed Products booth to ask about reed-adjusting and reed-making techniques. It was this event that made us realize that there is a desire, at least in the clarinet community, to learn more about how to make your reeds work for you. Our touring event is designed to bring that knowledge to as many places as we can to help people learn the techniques that we have been perfecting and teaching for decades. Our events include both reed-adjusting and reed-making techniques as well as hands-on experience with various tools of the trade. We invite any single-reed instrument player of intermediate through professional level to attend our events!
Sample Schedule:
9AM Introductions and Overview of Reed Balancing and Adjusting
10AM Small Group Work on Balancing and Adjusting
11AM Reed Making with the Reedual Demonstration
12PM Lunch & Questions
1:30pm-5:30pm Individual Reed Making Lessons by Appointment